Monday, December 26, 2011


Hi hello bonjour guten tag;

we have created MELANCHOLIA ZINE and we are looking for young australians to contirbute every issue.
if you create art (of any sort), write or are passionate about any given topic or you are a great talent scout, or perhaps you love to read or watch movies and could write reviews. anything. we would love for you to share it with us and possibly get published!
the particular theme for this issue (due out in february) is melancholia. please go the blog: and follow it for updates.
We are doing free mail-outs for the first issue. and the first 20 people to be added to the mail-out list will receive a special free home made gift with their zine.
simply put your name and address in the ask box and follow the blog for updates!

we are very excited to launch what we hope will be an expression zone for young australian talent.

thanks for your support,

bronte xo